Pure Sante Green Barley for Diabetes

Why more Diabetic People are now taking Pure Sante Barley Capsules and other forms?

  • PURE Barley contains a high amount of ARGININE (14.3mg/g) and this amino acid is used o release insulin from the pancreas and help increase glucose uptake in the muscles cells.
  • It has chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind to cells that leads to increased insulin sensitivity of the body tissues.
  • Pure Barley Grass makes the body more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar.
  • Green Barley acts as a “Travel Guide”, opening the door for the insulin to enter into the body cells. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels in people with Type II diabetes.
  • It has vanadium which activates insulin receptors, making the beta cell of the pancreas produce more insulin, resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.
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